I guess it was sometime later that week, but I think I had to stop by Kendall Town & Country for something for my stepfather and while I was there went to the music store (Record Bar? Tracks?) and bought the cassette single, since the album, Martika's Kitchen wasn't even out yet. I became utterly addicted to the song. Soon enough, I got the complete album and listened to that all time, too.

The new album was a bit more sophisticated sounding than Martika's debut. There was just as much pop goodness, but it felt a bit less fluffy. Although at the time, I was just like, "More Martika!!" but today I can admire the cleverness of the title track, the call to home of "Mi tierra" and yes, I can even own up to the fact that some of the songs are a little too ambitious and don't exactly work. I love it nonetheless. Several songs on the album were collaborations with Prince, who I had never really been a fan of at that point, despite the fact that one of his proteges, Sheila E had made an album I loved called Romance 1600. However, at the time he had just performed "Gett off" at some MTV awards show and his disc Diamonds and Pearls was out. Encouraged by the music he made with Martika, I picked up the new album and found myself really liking it.

Despite having loved music my whole life, I think it was probably listening to Prince that I started to really pay attention to the way music was produced. Of course Prince adds lots of amazing and interesting layers to his work and I found myself really loving the pop funk of "Thunder" and "Daddy Pop," I still can't say I'm crazy about the title track, despite being able to sing along to every word. While I never became a hardcore Prince fan, this all led to my discovery of some of his older music and for a few years, I followed his career. Meanwhile, Martika never released another solo album. A few years back when vile Eminem sampled her hit "Toy soldiers" for one of his songs, Sony put out a greatest hits compilation (and only Sony could pull of releasing "best of" albums for artists like Martika, Jeff Buckley or The Fugees who only ever had two proper albums!) that features an excellent Prince remix of "Love... thy will be done." Martika spent some years out of the spotlight but has recently gone on to create music with her husband, Michael Mozart, under the name Oppera.
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