Friday, August 14, 2009

track 7: i think we're alone now

More proof that I didn't spring out of the womb fully formed and listening to thoughtful singer/songwriters. I loved Tiffany. Not as much as I loved Debbie Gibson or Martika. But I did sing along to "I think we're alone now" and swooned to the beautiful and almost country ballad, "Could've been." I don't remember much about what the rest of her album Tiffany sounded like. I'm not sure it would hold up today, but those two songs are keepers.

Tiffany sounded a bit like a teenage Stevie Nicks, vocally. Back then I never would've thought twice about a 15 year old singing the words "It could've been so beautiful/could've been so right/could've been my lover/every day of my life" but now of course I'd roll my eyes at the idea. It reminds me of when I was selling music in Miami and my boss played one of those damn Kids Bop albums. Listening to a group of children sing Dido's song "White Flag" - "I will go down with this ship/I won't put my hands up and surrender/there will be no white flag across my door/I'm in love and always will be" -was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

But at the time I was 13 and singing along with all my heart. Tiffany famously did a tour of malls around the country. I got to see her in Miami at Bayside mall. I was thrilled. After the show she was signing autographs at the Sam Goody music store. The entire audience trooped from the performance space to the store and waiting on line along the banister of the second floor of the mall. I stood in line as she walked towards us. I readied my camera. I was so nervous about making sure that I got the picture. I clicked a moment too soon. I ended up with a photo of my reflection in a window and Tiffany's arm peeking in from the edge of the shot. Inside, she autographed my Tiffany poster. I'm sure that I mumbled some words of thanks or vow of love or something.

The next year, I went with my dad and some of our family to Bayside to see the New Year's Eve fireworks. I took the opportunity to go back to that same Sam Goody shop and buy her second album, Hold an Old Friend's Hand. After that, Tiffany and I went our separate ways.

Tiffany's video for "I think we're alone now." SPOILER ALERT: She is singing in a mall.

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